The Liverpool Junior Cricket Council has been running since November 2017. Representatives of the junior age groups meet at least once a term to talk about training and matches, feedback their thoughts and suggest new ideas.
October / November 2023
We really believe in a culture of positive behaviour, effort, good sportsmanship, and resilience in our players. Because of this, we held a ‘spirit of cricket’ session for each junior group through the course of the autumn term. Key Themes.
February 2023
The council met to reflect on the winter of training and also to kick start the campaign to fund the refurbishment of our Nets. Some great ideas for fundraising challenges and many members of the council turned out on a bright but chilly February day to film footage for the Crowdfunder video
November 2021
Pizza was back on the menu as the junior cricket council met up at the end of November to talk about what they like about training and how we could make it better. Lots of good ideas for our coaches to take on board